Supercharge your sheep performance
Goodbye paperwork, hello compliance:
Save hours every week; log your medicines and movements effortlessly in the app to keep farm assurance records up to date and ready for inspection.
Get more done each day:
Easily manage your animals at the touch of a button. View every animal’s complete info, log activities, assign to pens, groups or fields, write notes or set alerts from your phone, even if you’re out of signal.
Fatten faster for higher prices:
It pays to weigh. Track individual growth rates and intervene early with poor performers. Monitor the impact your ram selections, treatments, weaning and grazing have on growth and adjust your approach to deliver faster fattening.
Breed super ewes for better profit:
Accelerate flock fertility and output by tracking and benchmarking your breeding KPIs to refine your replacement ewe strategy.

Supercharge your sheep trading
Fatten faster to get the best price:
Set custom target weights and track each animal’s performance, correcting those behind the curve to ensure you’re maximising on market price.
Add value with lifetime traceability:
Sell your lambs with their health and weight record direct to processors to prove their worth and gain the benefits, fully supported by our expert trading team.
Sell fast without the stress:
Whether it’s store lambs or breeding replacements, market direct to 4,000 like-minded farmers looking to buy animals backed by data. With just 2% commission and no haulage, you can save on time and money whilst protecting your animals against the stress of market.
Safeguard the health status of your flock:
Know what you’re getting when you source sheep from our network of progressive farmers. Assess animal quality by viewing individual genetic, health and growth histories before you buy, with direct transport to avoid any biosecurity risks of the markets.

Peter Broad
Precision tools for your sustainable supply-chain
Grass Fed
We’re connecting like-minded farmers to build bespoke supply chains, delivering grass-fed beef and lamb with complete traceability.Find out more
Dairy Beef
We’re delivering a step-change in the efficiency of Dairy Beef, finishing animals 5 months faster and reducing the carbon footprint by up to 28% per animal.Find out more
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Frequently asked questions
I don’t tag my lambs at birth, can I still add them to my Breedr account?
Yes, when logging a birth you can put the unidentified lambs into a Mob and when the time comes to tagging them, you can convert these into individuals.
How can I record my animal weights?
The mobile is compatible with a number of different weigh heads and EID stick readers which means you can capture the weights of your animals without touching the phone. If you don’t have this kind of equipment, we can supply them for you via our Shop.
Can I register medicine administrations?
The Breedr mobile app encompasses a virtual medicine cabinet, you can scan the QR code on the medicine bottle to add it to your cabinet, and then you can record a dosage to an animal. This is then recorded in your Medicine Record and Medicine Book report for regulatory audits. It will also populate your Flock Health Review report which provides insights into common causes of medicine usage.
I use a stick reader to capture a lot of my data, can I import this into Breedr?
On the web app Breedr has a data import tool which allows you to import data directly from any excel spreadsheet. You can use this to add animals to your account or import activity information, e.g. body condition scores.
Can I register movements through the Breedr app?
Not currently, but we are working with the LIS team so we can soon allow you to register your sheep movements via your Breedr account.
I only have Sheep on my farm, can I still use Breedr?
Yes, Breedr is available for managing one single species of your choice, or you can manage multi-species on the same account.
I farm my sheep across multiple holdings, can I have multiple holdings on my Breedr account?
Yes, you can add multiple farm addresses with their CPH numbers, then when you create a field and a pen, you can set the location by selecting what farm they are on. You can then move your animals between each appropriate field or pen.
Are there trading opportunities for sheep as well as cattle?
The Breedr trading platform is available for buying and selling sheep in just the same way as for cattle. We have a designated Business Development team who specialise in supporting Breedr farmers source and sell their stock, see the Trading page for more information.